Fully customisable online fundraising platform

All your fundraising needs in one place!

1 Host on your own charities subdomain or use our URL.

By integrating SliderStock technology onto your charities website and using your own custom branding, you can create a seamless experience for your users.

You can use the flexible functionality of SliderStock but with the feel of your own website, keeping consistency for your regular visitors.

Alternatively, you could also use SliderStock's own domain to host your online auction platform and still keep your charities branding.

2 Upload your products and customise the branding.

We have created easy to use dashboards so you can add your own products along with images, descriptions, and videos. You can use the dashboards to edit the colour scheme of your online fundraising platform to ensure it matches your charities branding and to connect with to your own payment account.

Within the Dashboard, you can track ticket sales, pledges and real-time bids, monitor users, send communication to users and much more. 

The entire structure of SliderStock is completely customisable to your charities needs! 

3 Invite users to use your online fundraising platform.

Once your online fundraising platform is live, simply connect with your users via email or social media. You can direct them straight to the URL, where they can register their details and view your page. 

Users register their payment details upon making their first transaction: payment for bids is taken automatically once the auction is closed. For tickets and buy it now products the transaction happens immediately. You'll receive the payments directly to your own charity account and will be able to access customer information via SliderStock for logistics, delivery and financial purposes.

Your users will receive automated communication from the system to indicate bids placed, successful bids, successful purchases or if they have been outbid by another user in an auction.